Main Quest 2: Chapter 3 - Disappearing Star
estelle's letter
brunenstig adventurer association - chairman schlit
rosewelt mansion - salome
rosewelt mansion - bellita
reopened gate
brunenstig adventurer association - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 8 8
aurhoin forest - head to the portal at 2 90
mysterious forest, southeastern area - kill monkeys (all over the map)
brunenstig adventurer association - chairman schlit
necromancer keltol
valley of fantasy/around black fire dungeon - enter portal at 139 129
jet black castle - click door at 306 283
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
residence of the underworld ambassador - exit at 9 19
brunenstig adventurer association - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 8 4
eastern tatba mountain - kill a bear for hard skin (closest is just to the west)
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
defeating the mutated demon 1
brunenstig adventurer association - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 8 1
the western deff hills - kill mutated demons for 50 bloody red stones
*approximate spawn points: 205 108 168 93 154 132
*the coords are where I found them 97 128 141 131 183 28
doesn't mean there are 6 spawns*
there are a few more but they are so scattered
on this map you can just run between em
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
defeating the mutated demon 2
eastern tatba mountain - kill mutated demons for 50 bloody red stones
approximate spawn points: 190 104 187 118 214 112
210 100 220 168 236 168
same scarcity as dtmd1
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
defeating the mutated demon 3
the western deff hills - kill mutated incubui for 50 bloody red stones
approximate spawn points: 129 41 136 72 162 101
133 126 150 105 180 72
same scarcity as dtmd1 & dtmd2
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
underworld appraiser
jet black castle - vapula 220 155
brunenstig adventurer association - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 7 3
forest in the time 1 - kill rat thieves for stomach acid (all over the map)
jet black castle - vapula
vanished corpses
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
true intentions of the red demon
valley of fantasy/around black fire dungeon - kill for SD key and enter at 56 310
MQ2 SD6 - Reunited with Ruspel
start by killing everything in your path then click crag at 158 73
keep killin and at the end of the path click the crag (88 17)
more mobs to kill and when done, click crag at 26 82
kill the last of the mobs then talk to ruspel at the end of the path
beat down ruspel's minions then talk to him
conference results
residence of the underworld ambassador - keltol
unsettling atmosphere
brunenstig adventurer association - chairman schlit
eript soldier supression 1
mysterious forest, northwestern area - kill 50 eript soldiers (6 spawn areas)
brunenstig adventurer association - chairman schlit
eript soldier suppression 2
mysterious forest, southwestern area - kill 70 eript soldiers (all over the map)
brunenstig adventurer association - chairman schlit
eript soldier suppression 4
brunenstig adventurer association - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 8 5
eren mountain detour - kill 50 cannibal scorpions
notice: these scorps have higher dp/hp than previous mobs in this chapter
move between these five spawn points:
19 197 27 158 53 135 36 111 52 73
eren mountain detour - kill 30 eript soldiers (best concentration around SE corner)
brunenstig adventurer assocation - chairman schlit
linkhen conference
desert village linkhen - talk to guard at 82 17
linkhen conference location - theodore
mother's tears
brunenstig adventurer assocation - chairman schlit
longtail recreational facility - linwood
reunited with jonas
longtail recreational facility - sera
longtail recreational facility - theodore
brunenstig adventurer assocation - chairman schlit
restored peace
brunenstig adventurer assocation - chairman schlit
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
exit at 28 34
demon amulet
brunenstig adventurer assocation - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 7 7
rare eco cave b2 - kill chicken warriors @ chicken danger zone for 30 pyroxene
rare eco cave b2 - kill angry trees @ dead old tree zone/road for 30 horns
rare eco cave b2 - kill giant octopuses @ hardened land for 30 resin
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
something that never changes
rosewelt mansion - salome
rosewelt mansion - bellita
back to blackfire
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
rumors about the magician
blackfire outskirts - talk to npcs in this order:
11 159 9 148 12 149 17 151 17 155 23 148 23 158
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
chasing the missing demons
blackfire outskirts - missing demon 1 @13 108
blackfire outskirts - missing demon 2 @ 24 51
blackfire outskirts - missing demon 3 @ 88 125
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
jet black castle - vapula
isolated supression army
jet black castle - kill for key and enter SD at 175 272
MQ2 SD7 - Suppression Force Rescue
like all of the other MQ2 SDs before this one, it is also linear and easy
once you kill all of the mobs and get to the end, talk to blue beard
after talking, you will get teleported...
kill the last few mobs and then move to 124 16 and talk to blue beard again
hunin's colleague
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
veiled songstress
ruined city damel - veiled songstress 16 65
amil's test 1
brunenstig adventurer assocation - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 7 5
forest in the time 3 - kill 100 monsters (all over the map)
ruined city damel - veiled songstress
amil's test 2
eren mountain detour - kill 100 monsters (all over the map)
ruined city damel - veiled songstress
amil's test 3
brunenstig adventurer assocation - mirror field teleporter option 1 1 1 8 1
western deff hills - move to portal to E then go N on next map
dried up oasis - kill 100 monsters (all over the map)
ruined city damel - veiled songstress
last performance
port city strasserad - enter blue sea bistro and click box next to blue stage @ 11 9
ruined city damel - veiled songstress
mint's whereabouts
longtail recreational facility - linwood
smug floating bar - mint 3 13
first redeye hideout
mysterious cabin - einer garfield
to moliner tower
smug floating bar - mint
adventurer association bar - john malcom option 1 7 7 1 1
moliner tower 6f - kill 100 monsters (all over the map)
moliner tower 6f- click wall at 93 24
searching the hideout
first redeye hideout - mint
first redeye hideout - after talking to mint, go down the hall & click the glowin stuff
in this order: bookshelf 9 21 table with white box 12 25
bookshelf 14 25 desk 10 27 skeleton 10 21
first redeye hideout - talk to mint again, click gate at 23 10 to leave
rally point
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
fear phenomenon location - hunin
fear phenomenon location - kill all mobs
fear phenomenon location - hunin
alchemy maestro
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
nearby the nave falls in great forest - click house at 131 112
trapmauser's hideout - little girl
trapmauser's hideout - click wall at 11 8 to leave
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
poreda's ability
jet black castle - enter portal at 189 10
blackfire outskirts - enter portal at 64 69
abyssal lake outskirts - kill for key and enter SD at 142 29
MQ2 SD8 - Silent Lake
talk to amil to start the SD, kill stuff til ya get to mint, then talk to her
continue to kill mobs til ya reach amil, then talk to her
after you get past this round of mobs, hunin will be at the end to heal you
last round of trash mobs, talk to amil to continue to the boss
astaroth has a lightning damage attack and a haste so take precautions
after beating him, talk to amil to leave the SD
nephon creature's ability
residence of the underworld ambassador - iker
and something that changed
rosewelt mansion - salome
rosewelt mansion - bellita
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